Top 10 Health Benefits of dark chocolate

It keeps the skin healthy

Moderate amounts of dark chocolate in your diet can also help to keep the

skin healthy, shiny and free of defects. The numerous antioxidants in dark chocolate protects the skin from free radicals that cause oxidative damage to cells. Free radicals can accelerate the aging process.
The flavonoids in dark chocolate protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun, one of the main causes of diseases such as sunburn and skin cancer.
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other hand, cocoa extract present in dark chocolate helps to reduce the roughness of the skin and scaling and improves the hydration of the skin and the skin.

Cure the persistent cough

If you are coughing a lot and want a simple solution, try black chocolate. Contains a chemical substance known as theobromine, which helps to reduce the cough by relaxing the nerve that causes the cough.
Researchers from the British National Health Service has given theobromine twice a day for two weeks in 300 patients hospitalized for chronic cough. They found that 60 percent of people who take this compound obtained relief from cough. Another study carried out at Imperial College London has had similar results.
In addition, dark chocolate has caused negative effects and the cardiovascular and central nervous system were not affected. Unlike over-the-counter cough medicines, dark chocolate does not induce sleep. So, the next time you have a cough, have a little bit of dark chocolate.
Top 10 Health Benefits of dark chocolate
black chocolate, also known as "dark chocolate", is made of roasted cocoa beans of the cacao tree, fat and sugar. Unlike milk chocolate, dark chocolate has milk or much less. It is also less sweet in flavor. In fact, the dark chocolate with a better quality cocoa percentages ranging from 70 to 99 per cent - has a bittersweet flavor.
As the decadent chocolate feels and knows very well, the majority of the people love it. You can enjoy as a candy or add it to the shakes or homemade cakes and pastries. The dark chocolate can be a healthy treat, always and when to choose wisely and eat in moderation.
Made from seed of the cacao tree, is one of the best sources of antioxidants on the planet. Other healthy nutrients in dark chocolate are soluble fiber, potassium, manganese, zinc, selenium, copper, magnesium and iron.
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together with these nutrients, dark chocolate comes with a few calories and a moderate amount of sugar. But when consumed in moderation, dark chocolate can positively influence health. Some studies from different parts of the world have confirmed the benefits of dark chocolate.
Here are the 10 best benefits of dark chocolate.

Relieves stress

To relieve stress or lifting a state of low mood, you can always count on the black chocolate. This helps to increase levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which acts as a natural antidepressant.
The research carried out by scientists of the Nestle Research Center in Switzerland and published online in the Journal of the American Chemical Society of Proteome Research has confirmed that the chemical compounds in dark chocolate have a key role to play in improving the provision of people who suffer from high levels of stress.
They found that the consumption of approximately 4 grams of dark chocolate a day for two weeks can reduce levels of stress hormones in people feel very stressed.
In addition, dark chocolate has magnesium, which helps to combat stress, fatigue, depression and irritability. When eating chocolate to combat stress, make sure that you have more than 85 percent of cocoa.

It lowers the level of cholesterol

The cocoa in dark chocolate has been shown to reduce LDL or low-density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol) levels in the blood, which can obstruct the veins and the inner walls of the arteries and to inhibit the proper functioning.
The powerful antioxidants in dark chocolate also prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, in turn, reduces the risk of heart attack or stroke.
The evidence from clinical trials shows that cocoa can also increase the levels of HDL or high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (good cholesterol). It is not clear if this is due to the presence of flavonoids and theobromine in cocoa.
Low LDL and high levels of HDL can reduce the risk of heart disease, in particular atherosclerosis and coronary attacks.

Lowers blood pressure

The dark chocolate can also reduce high blood pressure. The flavanols, flavonoids present in cocoa, helps lower blood pressure and improves blood flow to the heart.
The flavanols in dark chocolate stimulates the endothelium, the lining of the arteries, for the production of nitric oxide. The nitric oxide sends signals to the arteries to relax, which decreases the resistance to blood flow and lowers blood pressure.
With the lowest blood pressure, there is also less likely to suffer from many types of heart disease, such as heart failure, atrial fibrillation and atherosclerosis. You can also reduce the risk of cognitive decline, dementia and stroke.
Only eat a piece of chocolate a day to reduce blood pressure. Be sure to choose the chocolate that is at least 70 percent of cocoa.

Prevents Stroke

Eat dark chocolate with regular moderation may also reduce the risk of stroke in later life. This is due to its high level of flavonoids, a type of antioxidant. The flavonoids may reduce the viscosity of the blood and prevent the coagulation of the blood, which in turn helps to prevent heart attacks and strokes.
Researchers at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm studied more than 37,000 men between the ages of 45 and 79 for about 10 years. They found that those who ate about two ounces per week had a 17 percent lower risk of having a stroke during that period of time that those who ate little or nothing of chocolate.
To improve the flow of blood into the brain and reduce the risk of stroke, eating a chocolate bar once a week.

Increase the power of the brain

The black chocolate also improves brain function. According to a study conducted at the University of Nottingham, eating dark chocolate may increase the blood flow in the brain for a maximum of three hours. This, in turn, improves the short-term memory and general preparedness levels for short periods of time.
On the other hand, the large amount of flavanols found in dark chocolate also improves the function of the brain of people struggling against the lack of sleep, and also delay the effects of aging by increasing the circulation.
On the other hand, cocoa dark chocolate improves concentration, response time, and the recovery of the memory.

Weight Loss Aids

One ounce of dark chocolate with between 70 and 85 percent of cocoa from three times a week can help you lose weight. And "rich in fiber, which helps to maintain the feeling of fullness for a longer period of time.
According to research at the University of Copenhagen, eating chocolate in moderation gives a more filling and reduces cravings for fat, sweet and salty foods.
In addition, to be rich in antioxidants, dark chocolate can slow down digestion so that you feel full and eat less at the next meal. You can also increase your metabolism to burn more fat and calories.

It is used to treat diarrhea

Scientists at the Hospital and the Research Institute of Oakland's children have confirmed that black chocolate can relieve the symptoms of diarrhea. The cocoa beans contain a large amount of chemicals called flavonoids that bind and inhibit the protein in the intestines called CFTR, which regulates the secretion of fluid in the intestine. This results in a rapid relief of the symptoms of diarrhea.
The next time that you suffer from diarrhea, eat a little bit of dark chocolate with a high cocoa content. Most of the flavonoids a dark chocolate contains remedy more quickly the works.

Controls the sugar in the blood

The Cocoa in chocolate black can also help prevent diabetes. A small Italian study conducted in 2005 found that regular consumption of dark chocolate increases insulin sensitivity, thereby reducing the risk of diabetes.
The flavonoids present in dark chocolate increases the production of nitric oxide, which helps to reduce insulin resistance and helps the body use insulin efficiently.
In addition, dark chocolate can help control blood sugar levels among people who are diabetic. Is a low glycemic index, which means that it is not going to nail levels of sugar in the blood. However, for diabetics it is recommended to eat chocolate without sugar, which can be easily found in the market.
Despite these health benefits of dark chocolate, you should not consume a large amount of all days. It is still loaded with calories, which can have adverse health effects. When it comes to chocolate, moderation is the key. Also, you need to eat high quality and organic dark chocolate with 70 percent or higher cocoa content.
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